BRD Global
Class A, Class E and Class USD

Open-ended investment fund with placements predominantly in global equity markets such as the United States of America, Europe and Japan. The fund will make investments mainly through tradable ETF-type UCITS.

The fund promotes environmental and social characteristics and considers that the issuers in which it invests directly or indirectly follow good governance practices.

The fund's strategic allocation is 75% in equities or ETFs with exposure to global equity markets and 25% in other assets such as deposits and fixed income financial instruments. Through the investments made, the fund aims to offer clients high liquidity and diversification.

The performance of the Fund may be influenced by the negative performance of one or more financial markets in which the Fund invests. In this sense, there is no form of guarantee for the investments made by investors.


Who does it suit?

You can choose this fund if you want to invest in the international capital markets for the long term. If you want a diversified portfolio of shares listed in the United States, Europe, Japan as well as other markets then this fund may be for you. Given the profile of the fund, it suits you if you have a long-term investment horizon and are willing to accept a high degree of risk. You can invest in this fund in RON, EUR and USD currencies.

ISIN Fond Class A: ROFDIN0001E7


ISIN Fond Class USD: ROP5L22AK6R8

Decizie autorizare ASF: 453/30.03.2010

Registru ASF: CSC06FDIR/400065/30.03.2010

GIIN: YCEN9M.00007.SF.642

LEI: 5493004713YDSTEKZF64

Urmărește evoluția Class A pe Bloomberg*

Urmărește evoluția Class E pe Bloomberg*

Urmărește evoluția Class USD pe Bloomberg*

* Informațiile sunt prelucrate și puse la dispoziție de entitatea-terță Bloomberg, iar BRD Asset Management S.A.I. S.A. nu iși asumă nicio responsabilitate cu privire la conținutul informațiilor furnizate de Bloomberg.

The information and data presented are intended to allow clients and potential clients of BRD Asset Management S.A.I.  make an informed investment decision. By consulting this material, you agree to access and use this data exclusively for investment purposes.

Date of last update 03.10.2024
Total net assets (mil. RON) 143,29
Net assets Class A (mil. RON) 58,41
Net assets Class E (mil. EUR) 9,56
Net assets Class USD (mil. USD) 7,84
Net asset value per unit Class A (RON) 255,3577
Net asset value per unit Class E (EUR) 35,6238
Net asset value per unit Class USD (USD) 28,0086
Launch date Class A 05.07.2010
Launch date Class E 08.10.2019
Launch date Class USD 18.10.2021
Degree of risk? mediu spre scăzut (Class A)
mediu spre scăzut (Class E)
mediu (Class USD)
Currency RON/EUR/USD
Type Equity funds
Subscription / redemption fee 0/0


Performanțele anterioare nu prevăd profiturile viitoare. Profiturile pot creste sau scadea din cauza fluctuatiilor cursului de schimb valutar.
Fund unit evolution
BRD Global Clasa A
Brd oblig
Annualized performance
Period (years)
The graph represents the annualized net performance for the mentioned periods. The past performances of the funds do not represent a guarantee of future achievements. This graph is an informative note and does not intend in any way to recommend or advise on a particular investment strategy, the decision being wholly owned by the investor.
Fund unit evolution
BRD Global Clasa E
Brd oblig
Annualized performance
Period (years)
The graph represents the annualized net performance for the mentioned periods. The past performances of the funds do not represent a guarantee of future achievements. This graph is an informative note and does not intend in any way to recommend or advise on a particular investment strategy, the decision being wholly owned by the investor.
Fund unit evolution
BRD Global Clasa USD
Brd oblig
Annualized performance
Period (years)
The graph represents the annualized net performance for the mentioned periods. The past performances of the funds do not represent a guarantee of future achievements. This graph is an informative note and does not intend in any way to recommend or advise on a particular investment strategy, the decision being wholly owned by the investor.

Monthly Newsletter - 31.08.2024

Portfolio structure
Monetary market 9.56%
Tbills 4.93%
Governmental bonds 4.84%
Corporate bonds 0.38%
Fund units Detalii 80.30%
Last year 15.14%
Last 3 years 18.52%
Last 5 years 49.04%
From the beginning 152.25%
Fund information
No. of investors 1590
Geographical exposure of investments in the Fund's portfolio?
USA 46.58%
Europe, countries outside Eurozone 14.03%
Eurozone 8.43%
Japan 4.22%
UK 2.79%
Asia (excluding Japan) 2.38%
Canada 1.84%
Country of issuer of the financial instrument?
Luxembourg 10.02%
Romania 28.27%
Ireland 20.79%
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 18.15%
France 1.2%
Canada 1.84%
The financial instruments from FDI BRD Global portfolio are purchased in accordance with the provisions of the issue prospectus, from regulated markets / admitted to the official quota of some stock exchanges from the European Union, the European Economic Area or from a third state authorized by A.S.F.
Portfolio structure
Monetary market 9.56%
Tbills 4.93%
Governmental bonds 4.84%
Corporate bonds 0.38%
Fund units Detalii 80.30%
Last year 14.34%
Last 3 years 17.48%
Last 5 years -
From the beginning 40.83%
Fund information
No. of investors 410
Geographical exposure of investments in the Fund's portfolio?
USA 46.58%
Europe, countries outside Eurozone 14.03%
Eurozone 8.43%
Japan 4.22%
UK 2.79%
Asia (excluding Japan) 2.38%
Canada 1.84%
Country of issuer of the financial instrument?
Luxembourg 10.02%
Romania 28.27%
Ireland 20.79%
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 18.15%
France 1.2%
Canada 1.84%
The financial instruments from FDI BRD Global portfolio are purchased in accordance with the provisions of the issue prospectus, from regulated markets / admitted to the official quota of some stock exchanges from the European Union, the European Economic Area or from a third state authorized by A.S.F.
Portfolio structure
Monetary market 9.56%
Tbills 4.93%
Governmental bonds 4.84%
Corporate bonds 0.38%
Fund units Detalii 80.30%
Last year 16.22%
Last 3 years -
Last 5 years -
From the beginning 11.16%
Fund information
No. of investors 133
Geographical exposure of investments in the Fund's portfolio?
USA 46.58%
Europe, countries outside Eurozone 14.03%
Eurozone 8.43%
Japan 4.22%
UK 2.79%
Asia (excluding Japan) 2.38%
Canada 1.84%
Country of issuer of the financial instrument?
Luxembourg 10.02%
Romania 28.27%
Ireland 20.79%
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 18.15%
France 1.2%
Canada 1.84%
The financial instruments from FDI BRD Global portfolio are purchased in accordance with the provisions of the issue prospectus, from regulated markets / admitted to the official quota of some stock exchanges from the European Union, the European Economic Area or from a third state authorized by A.S.F.

Sustainability-related disclosures


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