The first step to achieving financial health is to save, meaning that your expenses are lower than your monthly income.
How can I save?
A variant is that at the end of the month I save what remains after making the expenses. It is the most used option, but unfortunately also the least effective because it involves a strict control of expenses and often there is no money left for saving;
I pay myself first: I set an amount I want to save monthly. It's simple, predictable, and that way you'll avoid running out of money for savings.
By saving we accumulate money, but it is not enough. To protect the savings you need to invest.
And if I don't invest?
Inflation will make you lose over time a good part of your money, of your purchasing power, in whatever currency you decide to keep it. Did you know that 100 RON saved 30 years ago is still worth only 8 pennies? Or that €100 saved 10 years ago is only worth €81?
By investing you can protect the value of your saved money and at the same time you can increase its value by making a profit.