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Investors who have reached the age of 18 and legal persons who have read the provisions of the prospectus and who want a simple alternative to invest can become investors of the Funds Managed by BRD Asset Management SAI.

The main advantages of investment funds are:

-           Diversification. With a small amount you have access to a diversified portfolio of financial instruments

-           Liquidity. In open-ended investment funds, you can always buy / redeem

-           Accessibility. The first purchase operation must cover the value of one fund unit. But then, you can subscribe any amount you want.

-           Professional management. Investments are made by a specialized team that has the time, resources, control and knowledge to implement the investment strategy.

Funds managed by BRD Asset Management SAI do not charge purchase (subscription) or sale (redemption) commissions.


Fiecare fond de investiții are însă comisioane de funcționare suportate din activul fondului, precum: comision de administrare, depozitare, custodie, etc. Toate comisioanele suportate de un fond sunt transparent prezentate în prospectul de emisiune acestea fiind diferite în funcție de caracteristicile fiecărui fond. Nivelul anual al comisioanelor plătite din activul Fondului este prezentat în documentul “Informații Cheie Destinate Investitorilor”, secțiunea “Comisioane și Cheltuieli”, aferent fiecărui fond de investiții.

The minimum amount that can be invested for the first purchase (subscription) is equal to the value of one fund unit (VUAN). More information about the last value of the fund unit can be found HERE. Keep in mind that the value of a fund unit changes from one day to the next.

If you are already an investor, then you can invest any amount.

The price at which you will buy or sell (redeem) fund units is not known. It is determined on the business day following the day you bought/redeemed fund units, by adding up the discounted value of the assets and subtracting the Fund's accumulated costs.

To determine the value of a fund unit, there are legal provisions issued by the Financial Supervisory Authority. The valuation rules are detailed for each financial instrument in the Fund's issue prospectus.

The price for a certain day T is calculated and published on the following business day T+1 (at the end of day T all the prices necessary for the up-to-date valuation of the portfolio and all changes made to the portfolio are known).

Investment funds represent an investment vehicle that allows a number of separate and independent investors to make investments together by placing monetary resources in liquid financial instruments and operating on the principle of risk diversification with the aim of achieving a potential gain from the invested amounts.

You can find details about the organization, mode of operation and types of funds HERE.

Investment funds are not protected/guaranteed by the Investor Compensation Fund or the Bank Deposit Guarantee Fund. It is important to state that investment funds do not have legal personality and therefore the concept of bankruptcy does not apply. A fund is an investment vehicle owned by investors, with assets and accounts completely separate from those of the company that manages them.

In the fund's portfolio, however, there are financial instruments that are guaranteed, such as government bonds issued by the Romanian state. For details, you can consult the portfolio structure of each individual fund.

Not. Due to diversification, the risk of losing all capital is associated with the bankruptcy of all issuers in the portfolio. However, the value of the portfolio may suffer decreases in certain periods.

The price of a fund unit varies depending on the evolution of the instruments that the investment fund holds in the portfolio. Thus, if a financial instrument in which the fund has invested declines, the price of the fund unit will be influenced in proportion to its holding in that instrument.

For example, if you choose to invest in a bond fund, that fund should largely reflect the evolution of the bond market. Thus the Fund will increase or decrease depending on the value of the assets in which it has invested, with the possibility of a plus or minus variation depending on the Fund's entire portfolio.

To get an idea of ​​how the price may vary, you can consult the "Documents - VUAN history" section on our website, related to each product page.

Investment funds do not have legal personality and therefore we cannot talk about the concept of bankruptcy. A fund is an investment vehicle owned by investors, and its evolution is given by the evolution of the financial instruments in which it invests. Even if its administrator were to go bankrupt, the fund is not affected by having completely segregated accounts.

You can redeem your investment whenever you want.

There is however a minimum period recommended by the administrator for each investment fund depending on the investment policy. Considering that in the short term the financial markets can fluctuate quite a lot, this recommendation aims to provide an adequate investment horizon for the investor.

As a general rule, the more volatile the price of an investment fund, the longer the recommended minimum period to reduce investment risk.

You can check the minimum recommended period on the page of each investment fund.

The Romanian state, through the Ministry of Public Finance, issues state securities and guarantees their full redemption at maturity.

This specification (at maturity) is particularly important to understand how a government bond, and fixed income instruments in general, work. Between the issue date and the maturity date, government securities are traded on the secondary market at prices determined by market supply and demand. The trading price can be influenced by the maturity of the instrument, the demand/offer of the market participants, their perception of the risk of the Romanian state, inflation expectations, as well as many other factors.

So that, although they are guaranteed at maturity, the prices of government bonds can fluctuate a lot if they are traded before maturity.

PlanInvest is a product through which you invest recurrently and automatically in any of the investment funds managed by BRD Asset Management SAI. By filling out a simple form, you can invest a monthly sum of money in the fund of your choice. This way you save time and automatically invest for your plans.

Why have this product? Because a well-made and disciplined plan maximizes an Investor's chances of success.

You can redeem your fund units at any time, whether they were purchased automatically through PlanInvest or through a classic subscription. Please note that a full redemption will also automatically cancel PlanInvest. Make sure you leave at least one fund unit in balance if you wish to continue PlanInvest (scheduled subscription).

Yes, in order to invest in the BRD Asset Management SAI funds, you must have opened a current account at BRD - GSG.

BRD Asset Management SAI publishes the value of fund units every day on its website www.brdam.ro, in the Financiar newspaper, as well as on www.bloomberg.com.

The gains resulting from the redemption of fund units are considered, according to the provisions of the Fiscal Code, investment income, being taxed.

You can find out more details about this topic, the portfolio sheet and how to complete the single declaration HERE.

In accordance with the provisions of the Fiscal Code, the portfolio sheet is issued only for natural persons. Legal entities record their investments in funds and the gains recorded as a result of these investments in their own accounting.

The risk and return ratio is a standard measure in the European Union to quantify the risk and return potential of a fund. It is calculated using the historical fluctuation of the underlying unit. The more volatile a fund's price, the greater the risk associated with the investment fund can be. The potential income, however, is proportional to the risk.

As a general rule, funds that invest predominantly in bonds have a lower risk and potential return, and funds that invest in stocks have a higher risk & potential return.

The performance can be viewed in the "Key Investor Information Document", on the page of each product, as well as in the section “Calculator si analiza”.

The difference is given by the currency in which the purchase / sale is made. Fund assets are common to all classes. More precisely, in class A you can invest in RON, in class E you can invest in EUR, and in class USD subscriptions are made in dollars.

The main advantages of investment funds are:

-           Yield. Investment funds offer access to a wide range of financial instruments, thus offering the possibility of obtaining an attractive return

-           Diversification. With a small amount you buy an entire portfolio of financial instruments

-           Liquidity. In open-end mutual funds, the investor can buy / redeem at any time

-           Accessibility. The first purchase operation must cover the value of one fund unit. But then, you can subscribe any amount you want.

-           Professional management. Investments are made by a dedicated team that has the time, resources and knowledge to implement the investment strategy

Purchased fund units can be bought and sold at any time at any BRD – GSG agency.

The simple answer would be that most of the time it is more efficient to delegate the construction of a portfolio by buying a fund than to do it yourself. A fund manager has the knowledge, time and means to create and maintain an investment portfolio that often comprises dozens or even hundreds of assets. An optimal diversification of the financial resources held can be more expensive if done individually compared to an investment in an investment fund.
